Domain and Subdomain Takeovers

Domain and Subdomain Takeover Vulnerabilities

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Domain and subdomain takeover vulnerabilities are significant security risks that can be exploited by attackers to compromise a website's integrity and potentially launch attacks. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore these vulnerabilities, understand how they work, and learn how to prevent them. Let's dive in.

What is Domain/Subdomain Takeover?

Domain and subdomain takeover occur when an attacker gains control over a domain or subdomain that was once legitimately associated with a website but has since become unclaimed or misconfigured. This can happen due to expired domain registrations, abandoned projects, or misconfigured DNS records.

Risks and Consequences

Domain/subdomain takeover can have severe consequences, including:

How Domain/Subdomain Takeover Works

Domain and subdomain takeover usually involve the following steps:

  1. Identification: Attackers identify vulnerable, unclaimed, or misconfigured domains/subdomains.
  2. Registration: They register the identified domain/subdomain or reconfigure DNS records.
  3. Hosting: Attackers host malicious content on the compromised domain/subdomain.
  4. Exploitation: They exploit the trust associated with the domain to deceive users.

Preventing Domain/Subdomain Takeover

To prevent domain/subdomain takeover, follow these best practices: