Port Scanning & Network Mapping

Port Scanning

Port scanning is the process of sending packets to specific ports on a host to determine which ports are open and listening. By identifying open ports, an attacker can understand which services are running and potentially vulnerable. Conversely, network administrators use port scanning as a diagnostic tool to ensure that only intended ports are open and to identify potential security risks.

Network Mapping

Network mapping involves creating a visual representation of a network's devices, their interconnections, and the communication paths. It helps in understanding the layout of a network, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and planning for network expansions or modifications.

Importance of Port Scanning

Port scanning is crucial for both attackers and defenders for several reasons:

Common Port Scanning Techniques

There are various techniques used for port scanning, including:

Tools for Port Scanning and Network Mapping

Several tools can assist in port scanning and network mapping. Some of the most popular include:


Port scanning and network mapping are essential techniques in the realm of cybersecurity. They provide valuable insights into network configurations, vulnerabilities, and potential attack vectors. While these methods can be used maliciously by attackers, they are also invaluable tools for defenders. As always, it's crucial to use these techniques ethically and responsibly.