Vishing and Smishing Attacks

Vishing and Smishing Attacks

Vishing (Voice Phishing) and Smishing (SMS Phishing) are social engineering attacks that manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information through voice calls or text messages. These attacks exploit human trust and gullibility. In this section, we'll explore what Vishing and Smishing attacks are, how they work, and preventive measures.

What is Vishing?

Vishing involves fraudulent voice calls where attackers impersonate legitimate entities, such as banks or government agencies. They aim to extract sensitive information like Social Security numbers or credit card details. Below is an example of a Vishing attack:

An attacker poses as a bank representative, calls the victim, and asks for their account number and PIN to "verify" their identity.

What is Smishing?

Smishing, on the other hand, targets individuals through text messages. Attackers send fake messages containing malicious links or instructing recipients to call a specific number. Here's how a Smishing attack might unfold:

The victim receives an SMS claiming to be from a trusted source, asking them to click a link to confirm a prize they've won. Clicking the link directs them to a phishing website that steals their login credentials.

Detecting Vishing and Smishing

Recognizing Vishing and Smishing attempts is crucial to thwarting them. Here are some common signs:

Preventive Measures

To protect yourself and your organization from Vishing and Smishing attacks, follow these best practices:

  1. Never share personal information over the phone or via text message unless you initiated the contact.
  2. Verify the identity of the caller or sender through official channels before responding to requests.
  3. Be cautious of unexpected messages or calls, especially those urging immediate action.
  4. Install and keep anti-phishing software up-to-date on your devices.